Ever wondered how those 6 wacky days around the lake come to life?
Waking Life is a community-based project. This means it’s built and run on a voluntary basis, counting over 600 incredibly dedicated people working throughout the summer. This also means we need you to make it happen!
Hop on board, take the ride, cos we’re always looking for committed crew members. You can build strange installations, offer out-of-the-ordinary workshops, join the eco or caretaking squads depending on whether soil or wellbeing is your kink of choice, or lend a hand to one of the teams that make all of this weirdness possible.
Depending on how much time you’re able to commit, you can help out for 3 days and up to 6 weeks. Lift the curtain and unveil Waking Life from the inside out, sharpen your skills and crisscross with with other passionate people, adding your own fizz to the mix.
In order to fully acknowledge what you’re getting into, we advise that volunteering can be challenging at times. While this is not our trial run, this project is a learning process and we’re all in for the ride. But partaking in the journey as an integral component of the hive and savouring the bliss of the collective experience comes close to none, and will accompany all participants back home.
Ready to rumble?
Important: Read the Volunteer Agreement before you apply.
Deadline: We are still looking for dedicated souls to join during breakdown. Please send in your application as soon as possible to help us close the circle and prepare the land for the projects happening this fall. Some very last spaces are available for short-term volunteers during festival as well.
The Waking Life crew